How do I merge two or more Help Desk tickets into one using the Libanswers platform?

Objective: Merge tickets on the same exact subject from different sources into one to prevent Help Desk clutter and improve metadata.


  1. Log into the Libanswers system at
  2. Take note of the ticket ID number that you want remaining after the merge
  3. Open the ticket that you want to merge into another and click the gear icon, found in the upper right-hand side of the ticket.
  4. Select ‘Merge’ from the list
  5. A question list will show, and can be searched, but typing in the ticket ID into the bottom field is most efficient
  6. Click the blue ‘Merge’ button and a confirmation page will appear, click the blue ‘Merge’ button again.


  • Last Updated Feb 08, 2021
  • Views 403
  • Answered By Scott Griggs

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