What are some tips to succeed in an online learning environment?

Life happens and online learning can suffer, personal and family problems can interfere and juggling these may seem impossible.  Do not let yourself get down, use this guide to help you succeed in your online courses.   


Look Ahead: Instructors can offer a preview week before the course start date.  Look at the syllabus, go over the schedule, and practice making your way around Blackboard.

Create a Course Calendar: Print out the course schedule and pencil in all of the due dates, and times, taking care to mind time zones.  This can be a physical copy or digital.

Use the tools from your Instructor: Graded items will automatically be entered into the Blackboard calendar.  This calendar can be imported into other calendar apps like outlook or google.  My Blackboard (the drop down menu in the top right, by your name) shows you due date reminders, and notifications in the Updates section, in Posts you can see course interaction and My Grades will show your recent grades.

Log in early and consistently: At the start of each new unit, or new week, look over all your course assignments and activities that may be due during that time.  Ask any questions that you have early enough so that you will have time to complete the assignment.

Anticipate Problems: It is good practice to store the school’s information (website and phone number) on your mobile phone.  This is to make sure that you can request assistance if your computer is not functioning correctly.  Blackboard is accessible from any Internet capable device, and computer issues are not usually an excuse for work being turned in late.  Plan another way to work, you may need to have a plan to borrow a computer, or visit a computer lab on campus.

If you start to fall behind: Even with the best effort some situations can keep you from completing course work, contact your Instructor as soon as possible in cases like these.

Source: Blackboard Help

Succeed Online | Blackboard



  • Last Updated Nov 27, 2020
  • Views 7
  • Answered By Scott Griggs

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